01 August 2009

Leeway: Lee Tracy, Artist + Green World Citizen

Lee Tracy, an artist based in Chicago, shares her environmentally progressive clothing choices. Here is an artist statement from her website (www.leetracy.com): "My art is about nature--what I feel is left of it-- and the potential of human nature to recover our loss. I express my concerns while being "in" the world and my contentment while being "with" the world. My art is autographical by nature through titles, statements and metaphoric reference.
I create both high and low art as one complete voice. For several years I have taken steps to return to my earlier roots as a self-represented independent artist. My focus is to transcend the pristine white walls and intercessor of a gallery in order to participate in ushering new ways.
I live simply and in touch with a lovely chaos of a natural rhythm." Lee Tracy is on Twitter!

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